Saturday, December 28, 2019
Get Hands-On Job Search Help at a CareerOneStop Center
Get Hands-On Job Search Help at a CareerOneStop CenterNeed Local Job Search Help? Try CareerOneStopGet Hands-On Job Search Help at a CareerOneStop CenterJob seekers who are computer savvy have an abundance of resources on the web. Sometimes, though, human contact can complement what you find online.Last week, a visitor to our Facebook page suggested we talk about the many CareerOneStop centers throughout the U.S. that provide job search assistance.We thought it was a great ideaIn a nutshell, CareerOneStop is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor, with more than 3,000 local One-Stop Career Centers around the country. Their main purpose is to assist job seekers by connecting them with employment and training opportunities.The CareerOneStop web site provides contact information for a range of local work-related services, including unemployment benefits, career development, and educational offerings. Go to the Service Locator page to find the office nearest you.The program also hosts a wealth of other career services, which you can discover just by visiting the home page. It also provides links to information about unemployment benefits in your state.Check it out.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Its Spring Cleaning Time for Your Resume
Its Spring Cleaning Time for Your ResumeIts Spring Cleaning Time for Your ResumeIts Spring Cleaning Time for Your ResumeSpring has arrived And with it comes a list of things many of us havent been able or willing to do over the winter, such as go outside for a run, play catch on the lawn, or clean the garage.Its also a good time to spruce up your resume. If youre looking for a new job, youll be glad to know the latest statistics point to an improving job marketbut the competition is still fierce. So rather than cleaning the garage or lacing up your running shoes, why not improve your chances at landing that new job by giving your resume a good spring cleaning? Take a good, hard look at your resume and ask yourself these five questionsDoes your resume communicate your value? Does everything in your resumethe professional summary, your experience, and your skillsadequately communicate what you can do for the employer? Does it all paint a compelling, cohesive portrait of you? Does it se nd the message Hire me because Im that good rather than Im average hire me if you want.?Is your experience up to date? If youve added an extra duty or two, such as to cover for someone who had been laid off, add them to your most recent job listing in the experience section, especially if they can improve your chances at landing a particular position.Do you emphasize accomplishments? What differences have you made in your current and previous roles? How did you help your employers make money? Save money? Improve a product, service, or work process? Those are the things that must jump out at the reader, since employers look for someone who can deliver results.Is it pleasing to the eye? Show your resume to someone whose opinion you trust and whom you wont cop an attitude with or write out of your will if they disagree with you. Does your resume give them a positive impression at first glance?Everything spelled and punctuated correctly? After youve done all your updating, read over you r resume once mora. Then read it again. And again. And maybe even once more for good measure. Review every word for spelling and usage, and make sure everything is punctuated correctly and consistently. For example, if the name of one former employer is followed by a comma, make sure the names of all employers are followed by commas. If you dont trust your judgment here, find the most persnickety grammar and spelling geek you can find to review it for you.Go ahead and edit your resumenow Then, treat yourself to a nice run around the neighborhood, or a date with all that junk in your garage.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Using Social Media to Your (Work) Benefit
Using Social Media to Your (Work) BenefitUsing Social Media to Your (Work) BenefitUsing Social Media to Your (Work) BenefitMore than 4 in 10 workers use social media for work purposes.Employees cited the following as the most common uses of social media at workTo do research 35%To promote the company to their social networks 28%To uncover new business contacts 26%Of those who use social media for work reasons, 40% spend at least one hour a day using it.Greatest benefits for a company when employees use social media, according to CFOsExpand network of valuable contacts 30%Promote companys attributes and accomplishments 22%Attract new business 22%Provide better customer service 21%Greatest concerns for a company when employees use social media, according to CFOsWasting time at work 44%Behaving unprofessionally 35%Posting financial or confidential company information 11%Posting negative comments about the company 10%
Saturday, December 14, 2019
An OK Personality Theory for Recruiters
An OK Personality Theory for Recruiters An OK Personality Theory for Recruiters KNOT OK/Image Michael MoffaGiven that there are so many personality-type classifications that are floated, many of which sink after even the casual scrutiny test, its nice to find one that is at least on intelligent inspection not only interesting and fun, but also useful and durable.One in particular that Ive always found helpful in describing, explaining and predicting behavior and motivation is the Transactional Analysis theory of (notlage) OK interactions between and among people. Simple, clear, easily remembered, logically structured and empirically well-supported- by common sense and daily observation as well as by clinical psychological analogues, what I shall call the (Not) OK Theory may be very helpful to you in identifying and managing your recruitment interactions with the Big Three Cs candidates, clients and colleagues.A Brief OverviewA classification of 2-person interactions inspired by Eri c Berne, author of the best-selling Games People Play, and developed by Thomas Harris in his book Im OK, Youre OK, the 4-fold 1970s categorization of types of interactions is utterly simple and mnemonic (easily remembered). Just imagine any two people and their attitudes toward each other on any specific occasion (a state) or their habitual attitudes and dispositions toward each other (as traits of personality or character).Adapting the Harris-Berne framework for the purpose of this explication, here OK can be informally and approximately rendered as not viewed with negative emotions, such as suspicion, blame, hate or doubt and not regarded as inferior.1. Im OK-Youre OK2. Im OK-Youre Not OK3. Im Not OK-Youre OK4. Im Not OK-Youre Not OKThe first one, Im OK-Youre OK describes the attitude that I dont blame, or have doubts, hate, suspicions or a sense of inferiority regarding either you or me. An applicant who seems at ease with a recruiter, doesnt put on airs, is not suspicious, guard ed, critical, rude, defensive, self-deprecating, insecure, obsequious, unctuous, hostile, aggressive, or otherwise off is in all likelihood approaching the interaction with a very egalitarian, democratic, fair-minded and open attitude.Not only is this a cultural ideal in democratically-minded eqalitarian societies like that of the U.S., it is a common clinical and therapeutic ideal for people striving for self-help and self-improvement and not a bad goal to aim at for the rest of us.Sex in the City, Patterns in the OfficeMy hunch is that the enormously popular Sex and the City TV series and movies had the character Carrie Bradshaw, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, narrating each episode because she seemed to have fruchtwein closely approximated this very even-handed, fair-minded type and ideal role-model- or so I and various female friends have thought.On the other hand, Samantha Jones (Kim Cattrall), the most sexually predatory of the four characters in Sex and the City is, by conse nsus among those Ive asked and in my judgment, the Im OK-Youre not OK type- but mostly in her situations and dealings with men, which, of course, did not exhaust her interactions with people, even if they exhausted the men (in both senses of exhaust).For her, the Im OK-Youre not OK stance welches much mora than an occasional state It was a pronounced trait, but one most prominently displayed in her frequent encounters with men.Her Im OK-Youre Not OK counterpart in recruitment is best exemplified by a writer I interviewed in Tokyo for a position with Business Insight Japan Magazine, for whom I was the editor-in-chief in the late 90s. Not an apprentice writer, he had strong street cred, having been, as he was quick to mention, published in Newsweek, an accomplishment of which he seemed inordinately proud. The problem was that he regarded his talents as a license, not as a gift.Confidence that had mutated into arrogance was evident the moment I offered him a coffee As I did so, he said with a clearly imperious tone of voice, Do you have real cream, or crap? For me, the interview was basically over at that point, and we didnt hire him, Newsweek or no Newsweek. What went wrong?As I saw it, he was approaching the interview from the Im OK-Youre Not OK position- something a job applicant should never do, unless its for a posting as strutting SS Obergruppenfhrer and the placement is a shoe- or boot-in.Of course, etikettierung his attitude is not enough. But it is a good, insightful first step in understanding the dynamics and revealed patterns of behavior in situations like that.Making Use of the LabelsFirst, it makes it clear how relational interactions are. Instead of trying to figure him out by making him the entire focus of your reflections, your task becomes trying to make sense of the relationship with you and what would tempt a candidate to try to run that kind of Im OK-Youre Not OK scenario with you, given that, like Samantha of Sex and the City, the targeting is likely to be selective. Of course, that unwelcome OK/Not OK strategy could be a blanket one, used on everybody. In that case the trait is pervasive, persistent and mora likely to be incorrigible.Another benefit to be derived from the OK model is that it can sharpen your detection skills You may be able to extrapolate something very important from an otherwise ostensibly innocent and innocuous bit of behavior that seems to raise no red flags, e.g., an applicant telling you that although the prospective employer companys total abverkauf last year were pretty good, their rate of growth was flat. Of course, the facts are the facts. But the way in which they are cited, e.g., the tone, intent or the timing and context of the comment, e.g., anything that suggests the applicant is too good for the company, can serve as a coal mine canary warning of possible trouble on-site, after placement. Moreover, identifying the pattern as OK/Not OK may facilitate the connection of previously unconne cted dots of the applicants behavior.The Unhappy Dream EmployeeThe Im Not OK-Youre OK applicant can, for certain kinds of companies or bosses, be the dream employee Saddled with self-doubt, or shaky self-esteem, someone with this stance is very likely to make strange efforts to please to fear, as opposed to simply dislike, confrontation and conflict with anyone with whom he interacts on this Not OK/OK fundament and to waive various rights.Symptoms of the pattern might include hesitating to take earned time off, hesitating to voice any complaint or criticism, tolerating abusive co-workers, or in extreme instances displaying a pronounced tendency to fawn or grovel.On the positive side, a milder version of this can be manifested as a consistently sunny disposition and willingness to please- which, of course, certainly does not mean that any given happy person must feel he or she is not OK. Just as two men may refuse to fight each other for totally opposite reasons- one from fear, the o ther from the self-discipline of a martial artist, any two employees can display the same behavioral trait, such as a pleasing manner, but from entirely different, indeed opposite motives and self/other-perceptions.To intelligently apply the OK Theory perspective, you must apply it to discern underlying motivation and emotions as well as to raw behavior, such as tone of voice, body language and actions.Of course, helping an employee change his or her stance from Im Not OK-Youre OK to Im OK-Youre OK can benefit everyone, e.g., through encouragement of a more proactive approach to work and workplace relationships. Sometimes this can be as simple as sincerely complimenting the employee for a job well done other times the Not OK/Ok stance will require prolonged and varied efforts that may nonetheless not effect significant or enduring change.Welcome to Our NightmareThe final category, Im Not OK-Youre Not OK is the nightmare pattern. The analogue of this in clinical psychology seems to b e that of the hopeless and panicked hysteric who doubts, fears, suspects or is otherwise negative about not only himself or herself, but also you- and possibly everyone else, as well as the situation. Interestingly, some classical clinical psychology classifications, viz., the schizoid, manic-depressive and hysterical, plus the well-balanced personality seem to roughly- only roughlymap into these four (Not) OK types, as OK/Not OK, Not OK/Ok, Not OK/Not OK and OK/Ok patterns, respectively.The Im Not OK-Youre Not OK stance is likely to be manifested as on-the-job hopelessness, helplessness and a tendency to catastrophize and see problems as unmanageable crises. Thats because, from the perspective of this pattern, there is no one to turn to or depend on for a way out of real or imagined emergencies- the latter being more likely the more helpless and hopeless one feels.On the positive side, the Im Not OK-Youre Not Ok posture does have one thing going for it.Its very democratic.
Monday, December 9, 2019
The Recently Leaked Secrets to Resume Phrase Discovered
The Recently Leaked Secrets to Resume Phrase Discovered Lies Youve Been Told About Resume Phrase How youre sending a resume needs to be obvious the immediate someone opens the file. A great resume format is simple to scan. Your introductory email is among the absolute most important things to get right in order to make the most of the responses to your resume. Whether your resume is already online or still in paper form, its likely to wind up in a database sooner or later and you have to make certain it comes up in the most suitable searches. The Key to Successful Resume Phrase When you state youll be following up with the employer, be sure to do it When you are having the undertaking of producing a solution, attempt to utilize your sense of creativity. Possessing the solution accessible, you will need to understand how to do it and what steps need to implement it. Resume action words supply a number of advantages. Not only is it more descriptive for your possible employ er, but in addition, it provides you an opportunity to advertise yourself a tiny bit more. Another important consideration to consider is to relate the way your previous experiences would benefit the target company. In all likelihood, youll get caught, because it is going to be obvious you do not understand how to competently do your work properly. Say youre the ideal person for the job. Consider it, rather, as a chance to showcase the remarkable things youve done in your career and an opportunity to begin a conversation with a possible employer. You may want to skip the chronological format if youve worked in relatively similar positions for your whole career or held the exact saatkorn job for quite a long duration of time. You dont wish to go edged from a job because you just have sixteen decades of expertise and someone else has 19 As soon as youre at work, showing you have integrity and a strong work ethic is something that you can demonstrate. Make sure youre highlighti ng the most relevant and topical experience essential for the position. So as to convince the hiring manager that you truly have the leadership skills, youve got to mention all the accomplishments you have done in your prior jobs or organizations. Show the way the skills you have are related to the job. Interpersonal skills Having the capability to interact with people on a one on one basis assists in getting the work done. Hiring managers want to scan your resume and discover the information that they need in record time so that they are able to move on to the next resume. Resumes might be organized in various ways. Whispered Resume Phrase Secrets Written Communication Writing well is a significant element of your professional presentation. Ambicious Command of Microsoft Office isnt a skill. The very first step to including your technology-related skills is to earn a very simple list. Soft skill like leadership skill is among the keywords that could be scanned by tracking s ystem. Youll obviously need to use only individuals who will provide you with a positive review. A lot of people who are unable to write well are extremely talented in many different ways, but people often mistake an inability to write nicely with too little intelligence. You dont need to examine the top and say that you did things which you didnt really do or utilize fancy words incorrectly. Power words are used for many factors. Employers wish to truly feel confident they are your very first selection, so have them know youre all platzset to leave freelancing behind and join the corporate world once more. Job seekers that are reluctant to share the reason why they left one job for another might look as though theyre hiding what could be valuable details. The reason being that recruiters wish to understand which skills youve been using most recently. The fact remains, you dont have any method of knowing the specific keywords hiring businesses and recruiters use. Put that achievement on your resume to verify that it is possible to adapt when challenged a superior employers search for. Among the foremost qualities that any employer would like to see in their employees is the capacity to multitask. A room full of quiet applicants all vying for the exact job isnt unlike a stack of resumes an employer faces when theres an open position. Put simply, to get the goal youd be seeking out ways to accomplish it before finding solution to the issue.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
What You Dont Know About Resume Vs Cv May Surprise You
What You Dont Know About Resume Vs Cv May Surprise You In the usa, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the intention behind the documents. CVs are frequently used to apply for jobs outside the usa. For instance, even in North America, there are specific circumstances where a CV is required. The writers that are appointed to draft the resume templates are selected because of their proficiency. Writing a CV isnt too difficult job to accomplish as perceived by the majority of of the folks. Be sure that you format it well so that its easy and clear to read. Unlike resumes, there is absolutely no typical format for a CV. Resume Vs Cv Explained How to compose decent CV examples is a typical inquest generated to trigger depressing conditions of laid-off joblessness. Whether youre submitting a resume or CV, there are particular characteristics that you should include to make the most of your probability of succeeding. If you dont want your CV to appear just enjo y the rest of the CVs, avoid developing a boring CV thats a very long collection of your qualities. Making the ideal CV isnt simple. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Resume Vs Cv Keep your CV updated and in regards to that work application you will have all the info you need in one area There are a few ways to assemble your CV, and you are able to take a look at our Resource Library on 12Twenty for templates and more details. Regardless of whether you take advantage of a CV or resume, you must thoroughly edit your document. CV is a lengthy application document and might be even 5 pages long. If you wish to get hired for the job, you have to make certain that your resume will get observed. You might also need a CV specifically based on the job which you are applying for. Take a look at the skills in the work description and make certain you have presented all in your CV, its sometimes not even bother to alter the wording of the exact same as in the work description. A CV is basically an in-depth overview of an individuals experience, qualifications and education. CV writing calls for an expert touch to ensure its devoid of any mistakes and is readily picked by employers and recruiters. Before you begin applying for jobs, youll need to specify which one is suitable for you. Zetys resume templates are made with the assistance of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. How CV makes it possible to Attract Employers In order to guarantee that the aforementioned happens, youve got to work hard on your CV and of course a cover letter, the way that you present your CV counts and ought to be given importance. You will complete a ton more info on your CV when compared with a resume. Frequently, the application instructions for a specific position will state whether or not a CV or resume is requested. Generally, it is going to state on the application whether you desire a CV or not. Thus, you must konzept a separate resume based on the profile of the company for every single application. A superb way to construct your CV is to firstbrainstorm all the accomplishments you would like to include. Keep in mind that the very first folks to observe your CV or resume will probably never read the whole thing, Gutierrez explained. On the flip side, even in the event that you post your CV to companies, you need to remember that just like you hundreds of different folks will be sending their CV also.
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